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Additional Services

Reasonable Accommodation Management

If you are a government agency and need reasonable accommodation assistance or management, we are here to work within your policy ensuring that managers understand their reasonable accommodation responsibilities may help prevent disability discrimination and religious discrimination.

Marketing Strategy

We will analyze your webpage and social media content to distinguish how we can better promote your services, product, or cause to individuals with hearing disabilities. For starters, accessibility symbols can be used to promote your accessibility. These symbols help advertise access service to customers, staff and other target audiences.

Picture shows a women of European-descent to the right with brown, short curly hair, using a tablet with her second finger on her right hand, holding the tablet in her left. In front of the woman on the left is an African-American man facing forward with his right arm leaning on the white table, he is a wearing a tight, white shirt. On the opposite side of the man, is a woman of European-descent with tied back dirty-blonde hair, she is facing in the same direction. In front of the woman is a man of European-descent  facing to the left, he has dark,  short brown hair and is wearing a dark blue shirt. To the right of the direction he is facing, there is a blurred-out woman standing in a white V-neck t-shirt with shoulder length brown hair. She had her palm up towards a white, presentation board. There are large windows behind her.
Advisory Consultant

On this journey of compliance and inclusivity, TRJ is able to provide you with continual support through our monthly meetings and Advisory Consultation services. We provide customizable consulting sessions every month to assist you during your process.

Picture shows a man  of European descent on the right at a desk, holding a pen in his right hand, with a laptop and paperwork to the left of him. He is wearing a white shirt, purple tie and black pants, he has a beard, moustache and gelled up brown hair. He has a worried expression on his face as he faces the man of European decent sitting to the right of him who is wearing a black suit with a striped tie and thick rimmed glasses while having looking down at the paperwork and having his left hand to his chin, the other hand pointing at the paper.
Create an Inclusive cultural workshops or program

Once your organization or business has completed establishing an Online Accessibility Request Portal lets create classes that are marketed to and/or inclusive of individuals with certain disabilities. 

Picture shows 5 people around a wooden Table that has papers all over it. The first person on the left is European-descent male with glasses and a beard, in a blue shirt, he has a laptop In front of him, the second person is an European-descent woman with brown hair, wearing a striped t-shirt writing on a notepad, she is wearing a watch. The third person is an African-American woman with a black afro, she has a laptop in front of her and is turned to face the two people to the right of her, who is a brown haired, European-descent woman in a white t-shirt with glasses, leaning forward to talk the other person who is a European-descent male with a beard and glasses, wearing a watch, he has lifted his hands to express his words, there is a large whiteboard behind them with little writing on it and behind that is a large piece of art work with blue and white paint on it. They are in a room with bright lighting and grey walls make of cement.
Media Translation

Did you know English, Spanish and Sign Language are the main languages used in the United Sates? Adding Sign Language Interpretation, Spanish or English captions to your videos or audio content will create language accessibility inclusion for your product, service, or program across the United States. Don't delay in including these potential patrons. 

Sign Language Interpreter Service

For deaf and hearing impaired individuals to receive full access to your event, promotion, service, or program, a sign language interpreter is necessary.   TRJ Bridges can fulfill your communication accessibility needs.

Picture shows a man of European descent in a dark blue suit and tie, in front of a wall of large, grey tiles. He has short, brown hair and has his hands raised (although his wrists are on the white table in front of him). In front of him is a large camera that faces him and a reflection of the man can be seen in the camera’s viewer.
 Picture shows the hands signing, “interpret” of a European-descent women wearing a black dress.
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